Labor Law Cases

LaborLaw Injury Attorney in New York

Labor law environments can be inherently hazardous, putting workers at risk of injuries and accidents. If you have suffered a work-related injury, it's crucial to understand your rights and explore all available avenues for compensation. At Turpin & Snider LLC, we are dedicated to assisting injured workers in navigating the complexities of labor law injury cases and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

Types of Work Injury

  • Physical Injuries: This includes injuries such as fractures, sprains, strains, burns, lacerations, amputations, and other physical harm caused by accidents at the workplace, such as falls, machinery accidents, or being struck by objects.
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries: These injuries result from repetitive motions or overexertion, leading to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or back injuries. They often occur in jobs that involve repetitive tasks, prolonged standing, or heavy lifting.
  • Occupational Illnesses: Certain work environments expose employees to hazardous substances, chemicals, or pollutants, which can result in occupational illnesses such as respiratory diseases, hearing loss, dermatitis, or occupational cancers.
  • Psychological and Emotional Injuries: Work-related stress, harassment, bullying, or traumatic events in the workplace can lead to psychological and emotional injuries, including anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other mental health conditions.

What Are other Potential Claims?

In addition to workers' compensation claims, which provide benefits to injured workers regardless of fault, there may be potential claims. These claims arise when a party other than the employer or co-workers contributes to the work-related injury. Examples of potential  claims include:

  1. Product Liability: If a defective product or equipment caused your work injury, you may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer or distributor.

  2. Premises Liability: If the work injury occurred on someone else's property due to hazardous conditions, such as slippery floors or inadequate maintenance, you may have a premises liability claim against the property owner or manager.

  3. Contractor or Subcontractor Liability: If a contractor or subcontractor's negligence or unsafe practices contributed to your work injury, you may have a claim against them.

  4. Motor Vehicle Accidents: If you were injured in a work-related motor vehicle accident caused by another driver's negligence, you may have a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver.

Determining potential claims requires a thorough evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the injury. Consulting with an experienced labor Law injury attorney will help identify all available legal options and maximize your compensation.